A healthy relationship between landlords and tenants is certainly preferable, but what happens when conflict arises? Whether you are a landlord or a tenant, understanding your rights and responsibilities is not only important for your legal protection, but also for the swift and successful resolution of the issue at hand.
Minnesota very clearly spells out the rights and duties of tenants and landlords utilizing a myriad of laws, statutes, codes, and ordinances. If any of these guidelines are violated by either party, legal action may be taken.
Given that legal disputes of any nature can be difficult to resolve, working with a professional housing complaints attorney will enable you to make the decisions you need to proceed with understanding and security.
Different Types Of Housing Disputes That Can Occur
Housing disputes can arise in a multitude of ways. That’s why being able to identify what your particular situation is and the correct legal approach to it is so critical.
While Minnesota law does its best to protect both the landlord and the tenant, circumstances can make it difficult to ensure that fairness and equality are maintained. Because of this, whenever controversy arises in these contexts, it is recommended that you consult with a landlord-tenant dispute lawyer before proceeding with any legal action.
Common Issues That Landlords Face
Landlords are putting their property in the hands of tenants, and this trust should be respected. In Minnesota, landlords can find themselves dealing with housing disputes surrounding:
- Nonpayment
- Interest and Taxes
- Property Damage
- Community Code Violation
- Holdover/eviction
Whatever the nature of your dispute may be, taking the proper legal steps to resolve your issues will ensure the problem doesn’t escalate further than necessary. As a landlord, it is critical that your property is utilized by the occupant within the bounds of the law – and legal representation is vital to facilitating this process.
Common Issues That Tenants Face
Just like landlords, tenants are putting trust into a housing agreement that is meant to protect them from being taken advantage of or put in physical danger. Some common examples of problems that tenants deal with can include:
- Landlord’s Failure to Disclose Safety Hazards
- Leasing a Building That is Not Up To Housing Codes
- Harassment or Physical Intimidation by the Landlord
- Maintenance Problems
If you are improperly treated by landlords, it can feel like you have no options. Fortunately, a trusted attorney can provide you with the legal resources required to alleviate the difficulties of your housing dispute so that you can move toward a healthier living environment.
What A Housing Disputes Lawyer At Thompson Law, LLC Can Do For You
Offering years of professional legal experience to those facing housing disputes in Minneapolis, MN
At Thompson Law, LLC, we are committed to providing our clients with the best possible legal services in Minneapolis, MN. Over the years, we have cultivated a client-centered approach that prioritizes one-on-one engagement with every individual we represent.
If you find yourself in the middle of a housing dispute, our firm is here to help. Whether you are a landlord or a tenant, we will work with you to find you the best plan of action available so that you can effectively resolve your conflict.
If you would like to get started with a free initial consultation, please do not hesitate to contact our office at your earliest convenience.

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(612) 305-8529